CV in English


  • 2006 : Baccalauréat série S. (Dieppe): Science High School Diploma

  • 2007 : First year of Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur de la Mer (DTSM). INTECHMER (Cherbourg): a technical degree on oceanography, marine biology, water chemistry and admiralty law. - Survey and research work: prospecting mussel beds in Normandy.

  • 2009 : DEUST Technicien de la Mer et du Littoral (TML) - Université du Littoral de Côte d'Opale (Calais, Boulogne sur Mer): technical degree in marine and fresh water biology, aquaculture, fish stock assessment and also in seafood processing and merchandising.


    FROM Nord: 

    september 2017 – to date

    Project Manager
  • I work for the producer organisation in the fisheries sector, FROM NORD, I am in charge of the projects and PO's responsabilities linked to the different fisheries in Normandy.

    Seychelles News Agency: 

    April 2017 – August 2017

  • Translation of on-line articles for the Seychelles News Agency

    Island Conservation Society: 

    April 2016 – April 2017

    Project Coordinator
  • The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for the overall management of the Outer Islands Project, including the mobilization of all project inputs and the supervision of project staff, consultants and sub- contractors. The PM performs a liaison role with the Government, UNDP, ICS and other stakeholders.
  • Liaise with partners to prepare and revise project work and financial plans.
  • Supervise/ coordinate the project outputs and activities from the Project Document.
  • Ensure that all baseline data is available to create new protective areas for Desroches, Alphonse, Poivre and Farquhar.
  • Liaise with relevant government agencies, and all implementing partners for effective coordination of all project activities.
  • Carry out regular, announced and unannounced inspections of all sites and activities.

    Seychelles Ministry of Environment and Energy: 

    October 2013 – to date

    Consultant en Environnement.
  • Assist the Minister in Environmental and Sustainable Development issues.
  • Strengthen international partnerships , write multi conventions and international MOUs.
  • Support and assist environmental project developers (NGOs ) in the drafting of their projects and      calls for proposals.
  • Participate in writing speeches, diplomatic correspondence, office notes, minutes of meetings.
  • Establish and manage the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit and the Secretariat for the Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy ( SSDS ).
  • Represent the Department within conferences and workshops on the following  topics: Blue Economy concept, Debt swap, Maritime Spatial Planning , the creation of marine protected areas, Sustainable Tourism, etc.
  • Promote environmental communication of the Department: create, maintain, update, social networks Facebook and Linkedin pages, the Department Blog ( HTML and CSS).

    University of Seychelles :

    January 2014 – August 2014

    Part-time Program developer, BSc Environmental Science
  • Write syllabus and teaching programs, Year 3.
  • Establish a partnership training and research program with the University of Reunion and SEAS-OI station and participate in the creation of a dual degree in Geomatics.
  • Create communication tools for the opening of new training courses.
  • Provide an introductory course to Zotero (reference management software) for teachers and students of Environmental Sciences.

    Seychelles Fishing authority :

    March 2013 - August 2013.

    Seychelles Fishing Authority & Mangrove For Future. Work attachment (March 2013 - August) in fisheries co-management and assessing rabbitfish (Siganus sutor) and parrotfish (Scarus sp.) juvenile abundance in Praslin's lagoon with a fishermen association.
  • Case study of Seychelles fisheries co-management pilot project by on-site interview of fishermen, authorities, and NGO.
  • Carried out two methods of Underwater Visual Census with fishermen for the abundance assessment and the habitat description.
  • Realised trap and Beach seine net fishing for the scientific assessment of abundance.

    Géomer / ANR COCORISCO :

    April 2012 – June 2012.

    Work attachment in GIS mapping for a research program about Sea Level Rise.
  • Identified databases relevant to the study of stakes sensitive to marine flooding and coastal erosion caused by sea level rise.
  • Synthesized publications related to erosion / marine flooding and identification of their related stakes.
  • Produced a GIS on the major land use and networks of Guisseny, by using photointerpretation, existing GIS and field trip surveys.

    CNRS / Université du Littoral Côte d'Opâle:

    Technician September 2010 – July 2011.

    Trainee (April 2009 – July 2009 and March 2010 – July 2010)

    Laboratory technician in the Maison de la Recherche en Environnement Naturel de Wimereux as a trainee, then as employee as a scientific of the "structure and function of coastal ecosystem" team.
  • Studied arrivals of juveniles in nurseries of the "Baie de Canche". Laboratory analysis on lipid extracts from the captured flounders.
  • Carried out an inventory of the estuarine fish of France's and Belgium's main estuaries. Developed a guide and a poster on the estuaries situated on the eastern side of the Channel with their fish.
  • Studied the initial marine biodiversity within the offshore windfarm project off Tréport and the project to extend the port of Calais.

    Comité Régional des Pêches de Haute-Normandie:

    May 2008 – June 2008.

    Work attachment in Upper Normandy Fishing committee.

  • Studied the needs of a Natura 2000 zone for the birds protection and the needs of a windfarm project off Fécamp and studied the eventual consequences on fishing activities.


    Computing :

    GIS : ArcGIS, QuantumGis (QGIS)
    Office: Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice
    Vector graphics editor: Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape
    Flash: Adobe Flash Pro CS.

    Instrumentation :

    GPS, water sampling bottles, water metrology, fishing scientific equipments (fyke net, beam trawling, plankton net), aquarium materials

    Driving licence :

    Car (B in France and Class 2 in Seychelles), boat to come.

    Languages :

    French, Creole, English

     Hobbies :

    Vector art, photography, snorkeling, voleyball, badminton

    Voluntary work

    -Mangroove planting
    -Turtles nests assessment,
    -Beach and lagoon cleaning
    -4 year as technician for the maintenance of sea aquarium Estran Cité de la Mer.

    International experience :

    France, Seychelles, Belgium, Netherlands